The GAIA project is run by researchers at the University of Huddersfield. If you would like to be a Geoscience Role Model or you have other comments or questions, you can email any of us at the contact details below.

AC Davidson
Senior Lecturer in Geography: [email protected]

Bethany Fox
Senior Lecturer in Geography: [email protected]

Rukhsana Din
Course Leader, Science Extended Degree: [email protected]

Vicki Trowler
Research Associate in Education: [email protected]
A lot of people were involved in the GAIA project at various points or helped us out in a pinch, and they all deserve credit and thanks. These include: Manju Patel-Nair, Victoria Ayodeji, Francisca Rockey, Ashar Aslam, Ben Fernando, Sreelekha Chakrala, Mohammed Dhalech, Jane Marshall, Jo White, Steve Bentley, Anjana Khatwa, Josh Woolley, Maisy Neame, Jess Hodson, Kirsty Wright, Dan Whittall, Natasha Dowey, Katherine Yates, all the participants in our various events, and everyone who spread the word to their students, friends and family.